Sunday, 10 March 2013

Sunday Tittle Tattle: New Hair, Spring Cleaning and Call The Midwife

Hello everyone!

This week has been absolutely MENTAL!  I have spend most of the week running around like crazy trying to catch up on all the work I didn't do the week before when I was ill.

I did get my hair cut on Wednesday and this morning I coloured it, as you can probably tell from the above picture.  I decided to ditch the red and go for a dark brown nearly black colour instead.  Cut- wise I just had it trimmed.  Its been 3 months since I had my hair cut and it feels so much healthier now.  My normal hairdresser has just had a baby so is off at the moment so I had my friend Rute cut it instead.  I get very nervous about having a new hairdresser but I am super pleased with the cut she did.

I don't know if its because everyone is talking about Spring cleaning but I have had a massive clear out and clean up of my bedroom in the past couple of weeks.  I sorted out all my cosmetics and tolietries and cleaned away the thick layer of dust that had formed on the shelf underneath (yuck!).  I suddenly feel very organized and tidy- its a very refreshing feeling!

I am very sad that its the finale of Call The Midwife tonight :(.  I never saw the first series but I have loved this second series.  I know it'll be coming back but I don't want this season to end!

I'll be posting more this week- I have a few fun things planned but if you have any post requests then please comment below.

Thanks for reading!

Jen xoxo

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