Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The Boyfriend Jeans Have Landed!

Hi everyone.

I hope you have had a good a day as I have.

There was much excitement for me when I returned home from work- a silver package with the words ASOS emblazoned across it.  It could only mean one thing- my boyfriend jeans had arrived a day early.

I tentatively opened the package, nervous that I would hate them or that these size 14's would be too big or even (gulp!) too small.  

On first inspection I could tell I liked them and then I put them on... and they are so comfortable!! They do look a bit big but then that is the point as I explained to my mum (who really did not get the rips or the over-sizing).  And they fit like a dream.  And they are a lovely colour.  And a great length.  And I love the turn ups.  If I was a pair of jeans too we would get married.

I decided to wear them straight off to the cinema this evening.  Here is how I wore them:

So in case you couldn't tell from my earlier ramblings, I love my new jeans and will be wearing them... a lot.

See you soon

Jen xoxox

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